
Verified Programs

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Verified Programs are recognized by employers as delivering top-quality training for high-demand jobs across San Diego and Imperial counties.

Through a competitive application process, programs are assessed in five key areas:

Technical Skills

Employability Skills

Industry Engagement

Diversity & Inclusion

History of Collaboration

The K-16 Collaborative, San Diego Regional EDC, and Imperial Valley EDC invite post-secondary institutions within San Diego and Imperial Counties to apply to become a Verified Program in:


The San Diego Application is due September 27

The Imperial Application is due November 1

  • The application is coming soon. For questions, email Oscar Cruz at Imperial Valley EDC 

Scroll down to view the 2024 Timeline & Resources 

Through an employer-led process, and using the established model, Advancing San Diego verifies educational programs that are meeting (or exceeding) industry expectations in five key areas. Programs that meet the standards set by employers are publicly recognized as Verified Programs of Talent (formerly called ‘Preferred Providers’).

Benefits of being a Verified Program:

  • Employer-recognized curriculum.
  • Teaching in-demand skills and preparing students for high-wage jobs in San Diego and Imperial counties.
  • Networking opportunities with regional employers and workforce partners.
  • Access to paid internship opportunities for students.
  • Ability to keep your programs current as technology advances and new skills are required for career success.

How colleges can become a verified program

Participate in the verified program process meetings

Engage in curriculum alignment to industry standards using Talent Demand Reports

Collaborate with faculty to determine which program(s) to verify

Submit your verified program application(s)

“Pitch” your program idea to employers in San Diego and Imperial counties

2024 Timeline

June 12 at 3-4pm via Zoom: Verified Program application opens for Computing and Engineering programs for San Diego
(programs designated in 2023 do not need to apply. This opportunity is for programs that did not submit an application or were not verified in 2023)
To apply for computing and/or engineering, email Bridgette Coleman at the SDREDC for a unique application link.

June 13 at 10-11:30am via Zoom: 2024 Talent Demand Report for Business occupations released and Verified Program application opens for Business programs for San Diego (all interested programs must submit an application)
To apply for business, email Bridgette Coleman at the SDREDC for a unique application link.

July 16 at 9-10am via Zoom: SDREDC office hours for program development questions, rubric questions and application assistance.
REGISTER HERE to receive meeting invitations.

July-October: One-on-one meetings with EDC teams for program applicants. To schedule a meeting, email Bridgette Coleman at SDREDC or Oscar Cruz at IVEDC.

September 3 at 9-10am via Zoom: SDREDC office hours for program development questions, rubric questions and application assistance.
REGISTER HERE to receive meeting invitations.

September 6 at 1:00-2:30pm at IVC (in-person meeting): IVEDC overview of the business and computing Verified Programs application and Talent Demand Report for IVC and SDSU Imperial.

September 27:  Verified Program applications due to SDREDC (part one)

October 17: Deadline for SDREDC to send Verified Program application decisions (part one)

October 17-October 31: Meetings with programs and SDREDC team that are moving forward to Verified Program application part two preparation

November 1: Verified Program application due to IVEDC

November 13: Verified Program Designation Day SDREDC
(Verified Program application part two: Programs network with industry to share diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts at in-person event)

November 15: Verified Programs official announcement from IVEDC

December 12: Verified Programs official announcement from  SDREDC

2024 San Diego Resources

Verified Program application for Business (email Bridgette Coleman at the SDREDC for a unique application link)
Talent Demand Report
Application Guide

Verified Program application for Computing (email Bridgette Coleman at the SDREDC for a unique application link)
Talent Demand Report
Application Guide

Verified Program application for Engineering (email Bridgette Coleman at the SDREDC for a unique application link)
Talent Demand Report
Application Guide

2024 Imperial Resources

Verified Program application for Business, Computing, Engineering (application coming soon, for questions email Oscar Cruz at IVEDC)
Talent Demand Report 

Meeting Resources

More Information about Verified Programs

San Diego Regional EDC: Bridgette Coleman at

Imperial Valley EDC: Oscar Cruz at

K-16 Collaborative: Heather Cavazos at