
Grant reporting

Important Information about Narrative, Financial, and Data Grant Reporting

Young male student walking in school hallway


For all educational partners who receive K-16 Collaborative grant funds:
  • Narrative reports are due quarterly (Jamie & Heather are your POC)
  • Budget and expenditure reports are due bi-annually (Mayra is your POC)
  • Data reports are due bi-annually. In February, enrollment data is due and in August, completion data is due (Christine is your POC)
For community college partners who are not receiving funds from the K-16 Collaborative, we still ask for quarterly narrative reports and bi-annual data reports. For community partners who are receiving K-16 Collaborative grant funds, we require quarterly summary reports with an accompanying invoice.

Expenditure Reporting Workshop

The K-16 Collaborative team provided an Expenditure Reporting Workshop focused on the best ways to accomplish your bi-annual expenditure reporting. The workshop format included a report demo to help address some of the frequent expenditure formatting questions and introduced resources available to our partners. Click HERE to view the recording of the Workshop.

Below are the resources covered in the Expenditure Reporting Workshop:

Mayra will also be offering office hours every Tuesday in July, from 10:00-11:300 AM. Here is the Zoom link. Please contact Mayra for any questions at


Please contact Christine if you have any questions about data. And please contact Mayra if you have any questions about budgets or expenditures.

Upcoming Deadlines

January 25, 2024

  • All educational partners submit narrative, budget/expenditure, and data reports
  • All community partners submit summaries with corresponding invoice

April 25, 2024

  • All educational partners submit narrative reports
  • All community partners submit summaries with corresponding invoice

July 25, 2024

  • All educational partners submit narrative, budget/expenditure, and data reports
  • All community partners submit summaries with corresponding invoice

October 25, 2024

  • All educational partners submit narrative reports
  • All community partners submit summaries with corresponding invoice
Male student seated at desk

K-12 District Grant Application Resources