K-16 Math for Careers Summit

See You in September!

Instructional and administrative leaders are cordially invited to join us for a day of conversation and active learning around how to better support San Diego and Imperial County students through the educational pipeline to careers in STEM and other math-impacted fields. At the K-16 Math for Careers Summit, we will:

  • Consider STEM outcomes, achievement data, and equity gaps for students across all educational segments;
  • Develop a better understanding of math course sequencing, curriculum, and pedagogy as it relates to career readiness in STEM;
  • Learn about successful models for addressing the challenges and inequitable outcomes in the STEM educational pipeline;
  • Develop action plans around increasing educational alignment in STEM career pathways.
K-16 Math for Career Summit Details:

Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024

Time: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Location: The Price Center, UC San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093

Cost: Registration is free!

Meals: Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Registration: Register to attend at bit.ly/Math4Careers2024 by August 26th

Audience: Educational leaders * from High School, Community College, and University in Business, STEM and other math-impacted content areas. 
*Teachers, College/University Faculty, Department Chairs, Instructional Coordinators, TOSAs, Administrators, Deans, Assistant Deans, and Program Leads are invited to attend.

Summit Goal: The goal of this summit is to improve and align career pathways by fostering innovative instructional approaches that will inspire and prepare all students to pursue STEM (and other math-impacted) careers fields.

Due to capacity restrictions, registration is somewhat limited as we want to ensure that all K-16 segments (high school, community college, university) and content areas (business, computing, engineering, science, math and other math-impacted subjects) are represented at the summit. 

Meet Our Key Note Speaker!

Dr. Sherrie Reed

Executive Director, California Education Lab University of CA, Davis

Dr. Sherrie Reed is Executive Director of the California Education Lab at the UC Davis School of Education, where she directs research activities for a portfolio of grants aimed at improving the educational outcomes of California’s youth. Prior to joining the Lab, Sherrie worked in K12 education for over 20 years, serving as the research director for an education nonprofit, charter school developer, school administrator, and special education teacher. Her research centers on education policy in school choice, accountability, and college and career readiness—including dual enrollment, CTE, A-G courses, and high school math. Sherrie currently serves as the President of the California Educational Research Association.

Key Note Address

2+2 Does Not Always = 4: How High School Math Course-Taking Adds Up Differently for Different Students

High school math course-taking is typically viewed as a linear progression. And when successfully completed, this progression leads to the postsecondary options that an individual chooses. In schools across California, however, this is not the case for many students. In reality, high school math course-taking and its relationship to educational outcomes is the result of complex interactions between individual and institutional factors and numerous systemic barriers. In this session, we will explore high school math course-taking patterns statewide and for key student subgroups, the impact of course diversification, and the role math courses play in college application, admissions, and enrollment.

Sherri Reed, Key Note Speaker